As a traditional Vaidya Family of more than 200 years old, We are practicing herbal medicines mostly for non-communicable diseases. Our medicines are more effective than conventional medicines for the management & sustainable relief of
Only ANANTAPRASH provides long term cure of the frequent relapsing gastric problems (Functional Dyspepsia) from which 95% of the gastric-patients do suffer.
अनंतप्राश का योगदान, गैस्ट्रिक रोगियों को नया जीवन ।। गैस्ट्रिक रोगियों को बार-बार परेशान करने वाली गैस्ट्रिक समस्याओं से लंबे समय तक चलने वाली राहत केवल अनंतप्राश में ही मिल सकती है।
HERBOSAMINE provides long term relief to the sufferers of Osteoarthritis even after stopping the use of it after a course of three months if treated within 6 months of starting the problem. For chronic sufferers of Osteoarthritis it may take a little more time. In case of Rheumatoid Arthritis it provides long term relief of more than 5 years after taking a course of 6 months if treated from the early period. The patient can take his/her antibiotic therapy along with HERBOSAMINE stopping the use of this supplement for 6
गठिया पीड़ितों के लिए दीर्घकालिक स्वस्थ जीवन में हर्बज़ोमिन का योगदान, बार-बार होने वाली गठिया की समस्याओं से लंबे समय तक राहत केवल हर्बज़ोमिन में पाई जा सकती है।
VASAKPRASH improves immunity against cold-allergy, frequent attack of common cold, Cough, Eosinophils, Bronchitis, Asthma etc. Usual course of use 3-6 months.
केवल बास्कप्राश बास्कप्राश बार-बार होने वाली खांसी, सिरदर्द और सर्दी से संबंधित एलर्जी से लंबे समय तक राहत देता है।
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To help people attain relaxed mind-body harmony, keeping pace with the laws of nature.
Propagate and promote overall herbal medicinal wealth. We believe in our age-old saying in this part of the world.
We would like that everyone in this world should benefit from our age-old divine philosophy
Set up by a dedicated entrepreneur team, VITONA HERBS will forever strive for putting the forefront of human activity and development.
VITONA HERBS believes in upholding in-depth and long-term approach by innovative thinking, and purity of purpose.
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